A little bit about me

Recently we had friends come and visit. It was a couple that I grew up and hadn’t seen for years. As people normally do when reunited we began to reminisce. A lot of the memories we spoke of seemed so distant and cloudy in our minds so I pulled out my photo albums. As we all started to flip through the pages of blurry and out of focus photos our faces started to light up as we took a journey back in time and those memories became less distant in our minds. Even my husband who didn’t grow up with us found great interest in noting our lack of fashion sense and laughing at the ridiculous stories that started to be told. And all because of a photograph.

With every moment I experience, my eyes are somehow opened. Beauty is all around me, encompassing me in it’s pure simplicity. I am the one who cries at the wonder that is life, watching someone, anyone go from a child, to an adult, meeting that boy and marrying him, soon to grown round eagerly anticipating the new child they will soon raise. The joys, the tears, the fights, the moments that leave you breathless, these are the moments I want everyone to remember. The experiences that make us the person we are today.

I love real life, in all it’s raw and openness. And I love photography because of the wordless stories it is telling. Capturing a moment now is only half of it that I love, it is those moments on the couch with old friends or new ones reminiscing of the past. When you wonder what you were thinking wearing that shirt, or you see the joy in your husband’s eyes as he gazes upon his baby girl. Or the pure bliss of your child enjoying the purity of life. These are the moments I look forward to.

My name is Pamela Rosales. I am a wife to a wonderful husband, Alex. He is the one who continually believes in me and inspires me to truly live every moment of this life. We try to live our lives as honest and open as we reasonably can and with the most fun that we possibly can!

This blog is one where I post my recent photography and sometimes posts about our lives. If you like what you see, maybe you'd like to be the ones in front of the camera. If that is the case then just shoot me an e-mail at contact@pamelarosales.com or call at 250-585-5528 and we'll chat. Otherwise just enjoy and leave a comment if you wish as they always light up my day!
Photo by Out-There Photography

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